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Fostering learning in a positive, exciting way.
Serving grades kindergarten–5 in Thurston County

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Reporting

North Thurston Public Schools strives to maintain a safe, respectful and secure learning environment for all students that is free from harassment, intimidation and bullying.  Our district values differences among people and treating one another respectfully.  In accordance with Washington state RCW 28A.600.477, harassment, intimidation and bullying of students by other students, by staff members, by volunteers, by parents or by guardians is prohibited.

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

Reporting Bullying and Harassment

You may report concerns regarding harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB) directly to the principal(s) or any staff member at our schools, and they should make attempts to address the concerns. If this occurs and the concerns are addressed to the satisfaction of the parties involved, then no further action may be necessary. However, if you feel that you or someone you know is the victim of unresolved, severe, or persistent harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and it requires further investigation and action, then complete the HIB Incident Reporting Form linked directly below:

Report HIB

If you need assistance completing this form or would prefer to report verbally, please contact the Office of Student Achievement at